Quotes From Interviews With Past Clients
ADAM TRESS enjoys her professionalism; although she has a matchmaking business, she does out of her heart; she has a strong sense of who people are, which helps her be a good matchmaker; she’s a very spiritual person; she cares about making Jewish people happy.
EVA BRODSKY says Jan does a really good job of TRYING TO MATCH PEOPLE.
DR. RAY HOROWITZ says that sooner or later, any Jew needs to use Jan just in the interest of time. Also, “I thought I had found the perfect Jewish girl, but she called me a schlep.” I trust Jan, she’s very sincere
ERICA WARSHAWSKY said that Jan is really good at finding out a person’s goals for a relationship, marriage, religion, etc.; Jan takes time to create the best match by getting to know a person, their personality and interests; she just doesn’t set people up just to say she made a match; Jan will not make a match until she feels it’s right. Jan has great insight into people and she’s very positive.
CYNTHIA TARATOOT says Jan is very valuable to the Jewish Community, since she takes the extra step to make appropriate matches; at least you know the person Jan matches you with is reputable. Jan is an excellent source for the over 40 age group. I’ve going to Jan since the start of her service; I really believe in her.
JEF BLEICH says he thinks highly of Jan. She performs a very valuable service; she has the best interest of her clients at heart; the people I met are very good and attractive people.
BONNIE ALTMAN says that Jan is very dynamic and focused; she gets the job done; she tries real hard to match people; Jan puts people together in very nice way, like the parties she gives; she’s very professional.