Jewish MatchMaker in Atlanta has Clients “Best Interest at Heart”
April 1998
Rabbi Ruvi New, the former founder of Chabad of East Cobb and now with the Jewish Learning Center of Miami Beach is a strong supporter of the concept of a strictly Jewish MatchMaker.
“Not only does National/International MatchMaking Services cater only to Jews, says Rabbi New, also its Founder, Jan Koplon, has earned my respect in her three years in business.
According to Rabbi New, Jan’s spirituality is the Key to her being a Good Jewish MatchMaker,since she always looks beyond physical appearance in pairing singles.
Dr. Ray Horowitz, a physician who admits to needing plenty of help to find a life partner, believes that sooner or later most busy, discriminating Jewish singles should rely on Jan’s expertise, since she “always has our best interest at heart’”
“She’s really good at selecting according to our goals in all areas, lifestyle interests,and marriage families, and religious,”says Ericka Warshawasky, who teaches art in an inner city elementary school.
Several singles, who are a bit shy about admitting to the whole Jewish community that they’re looking, say that Jan performs a valuable service for all age groups in the Jewish community . “She won’t make a Match until she feels it’s just Right,” says one over 40 divorcee.
According to Ms. Koplon, who calls herself a “metaphysical relationship consultant” her mission is to reach all ages of Jewish Singles nationwide and abroad.
Initally, she gets to know her Client through a two-hour comprehensive Personal Interview focusing on character, values, attitudes, integrity about relationships, and lifestyle.
Ms. Koplon lectures across the U.S. on “Singles Empowerment” which she believes is a by product of finding personal happiness before a relationship can begin, recently she spoke to the Charlotte Jewish Singles.
Before starting the MatchMaking service, she created and coordinated the Star Singles Parties and Rita/JanParties for Jewish Singles in the Southeast. Under the auspices of those groups , she made a contribution to the Jewish national Fund. During her tenure in
Atlanta, Ms Koplon, has been involved in Chabad, ORT, National Council of Jewish Women, and Jewish Women International (Formerly B’nai Brith Women). She is a member of of Etz Chaim Synagogue in Marietta, Georgia.
A Native of Nashville, Tennessee, whose Father is a Gabbi of West End Synagogue there, Ms. Koplon has a connection to Memphis as well ; her Aunt and Uncle the late Mr. Harold Shinbaum, Mrs. Harold Shinbaum, whose sons are Marvin and Ralph Sinbaum.
Ms. Koplon, can be reached at 770 841-3196.